Hi guys, in this article I would like to share a few changes that I made to the MacBook system preferences, the first time I used it.
I recently bought a MacBook M1 Pro for my work and this is the first time that I ever used a mac. Previously, I used an HP laptop with Ubuntu OS on it. When I started setting up the Mac, the first thing that startled me was the click instead of tap for selecting. During the initial setup, I thought the trackpad was not working and it got me terrified 😱, but then I later realized that we had to click 🥲 So, this was the first thing that I changed in the settings ✅.

And also I increased the tracking speed a bit, as I was accustomed to a more sensitive trackpad.
After this I went on to set up my dev environment, naturally, I started with the terminal to download homebrew and to step up iterm2. I’m not really accurate at typing 🫤 and I often find myself using backspace to clear typos🥹, here is where I found that the backspace response for repeated keys was too slow in its default settings. So the changed the settings to make it more responsive.

Also, If you find yourself using docker 🐳, then you will have to install rosetta for it to work. Other than this, I have set up oh-my-zsh with powerlevel10k as the theme on my terminal following some videos on youtube.
I mostly work on web development with nodejs as my core stack. This is the point where the preferences can change based on the work and the tech stack that you use. With that said, Mac has a lot to offer to the developers. With all the good stuff of Unix and the great screen ( I’m in love with this liquid retina XDR display 😍), you get a wholesome experience. I’m still exploring the mac and I will be posting the cool hacks that I find interesting 😉.